Saturday, September 25, 2010
Alaska: Anchorage part 3
A few of the last pictures from the Seward Highway.
We tried to get to this glacier, but the road was closed. We were about 2 weeks to late :)
Alaska: Anchorage part 2
While driving down the Seward Highway we stopped at the Wildlife Conservation Center. eh, it was okay. These are the only wildlife we saw the entire trip. Except for the eagles at Dutch Harbor. Anyway. We got there at 5:30 and it closed at 6, and they still made us pay the full price. Uh, okay. I guess it was a good cause, so I didn't complain to much :)
Mr. Moose. He had the velvet hanging off the other side of his antlers.
The brown bear. Um, can't remember her name. The caretaker was there feeding her a grapefruit.
Bull elk. The elk are in the rut at the moment. And he didn't like us looking at his ladies. lol. So he charged the fence. I knew there was no was he was getting through, since there were two fences an the one closest to him was 3 feet from us. One of the guys said it was electrified, but as you can see, he's touching a pole, I don't think it was on, if it was electric. Anyway. he got this close, and I got this really cool picture!
The black bear. Right next to this encloser was a house that was demolished by the 1964 earthquake. It looked like half a house.
I can't believe the environmental freak in me didn't take a picture, but that would be typical. There are large tracts of trees that are dead. They are from the earthquake, the ground dropped 10 feet and was inundated with saltwater, killing all the trees. Wish I would have taken a picture. They were really cool.
Alaska: Anchorage part 1
The view of one of the glaciers from the plane. Thought it was pretty cool how 4 of them were coming together.
The snow blower for the train tracks. Well, it's actually a has been. It used to be the snowblower. It's retired now.
Along the Seward Highway the mountains were on the left and the bay was on the right. Pretty cool. There are small turn outs all along the road. This is an area where you can actually get down to the beach. It was pretty chilly next to the water. But it was pretty.
Pretty view.
Alaska: Dutch Harbor
After Fairbanks we headed to Dutch Harbor. Holy end of the earth!! The flight was 3 hours on a little puddle jumper that only had 30 seats. Fun. When we got there we went to a SMELLY fish plant. yuck. I could have really skipped this part of the trip. I mean the entire part, as in even seeing Dutch Harbor. I really didn't need to go. There was no map data there that I needed. anyway.
This is one of the mountains that could be seen from across the bay. It is really pretty scenery. Too bad half the time it's covered in fog. And raining.
One of the many boats in the harbor
Crab pots. We missed the crew of The Deadliest Catch by 2 weeks. Not that I really wanted to see them, but ya know :)
There are 2 museums on the island that we got to go to. The first was the Museum of the Aleutians. Pretty cool. This bald eagle was sitting outside of the building on a pole. He yelled at me, but let me get close enough to take this picture.
We learned while were there that the island is really called Unalaska. Yeah, UN, as in not. Kinda dumb, but said that way cause dumb white people can't pronounce it right :) The real name of the island is Ounalashka, after the natives that live there. And it's pronounced A-un-a-lash-ka. (the un in like in Uno) yeah, anyway. enough on the name. The hats above are native design, out of wood. Pretty cool. They also had examples of gut coats. Yep, you guessed right, if you guessed that the coats are out of the intestines of seals.
The other cool place in town was the Russian Orthodox Church. It's the oldest Russian church in the US. Built in ...... 1800 something. I think. Outside there were bushes that had salmon berries on them. Kinda like raspberries. Not as sweet and not as tart. You can find them all over Alaska, but most places you have to compete with the bears :) Not on the island though, there are no bears.
Besides the Aleutian museum, there is also a World War II visitor Center. Pretty cool, not sure why I didn't take a single picture. Anyway. The story of the bombing of Dutch Harbor and how the US took back the islands after the Japanese took the last 2 islands.
This would be the airport. Uh, yeah, the airport. There is a restaurant, and only one boarding gate. Small place. Where we got stuck. We were supposed to leave on Saturday night. The flight that we were on was returning to Anchorage. However, it didn't leave Anchorage until late, and the pilots wouldn't have had enough rest if they were to return right away. Sooooo, we had to leave on Sunday. bummer. But at least the plane was able to land in Dutch, sometimes they can't even land because of the fog or the low cloud cover. We were really worried that we were going to be stuck there more than just 1 extra day. We lucked out, I guess :)
Alaska: Fairbanks
I love my new job! Partly cause I get to go to Alaska and I've only worked there for a month. And partly cause this is EXACTLY what I went to school for and what I've wanted to do. So ya, I love my job! So this Alaska trip, could have been so much better if I had been driving :) But I was at the mercy of the two guys I work with and they had control of the rental car. sigh. The first day in Anchorage we saw nothing but fog. Complete bummer, since we found out that that night the northern lights were out. booo, we missed them cause of the fog. The second day we headed up to fairbanks, ya, that would be flew. There and back. In one day. yuck! After we finished with the meetings for the day our host, Brent, drove us around so we could see a little of the city/area.
This is some musk oxen from the Large Animal Rescue S.....omething :) I can't remember what the S is for.
The Trans Alaskan Pipeline. The section of the pipeline that is above ground and a tourist attraction.
A tree left in a fire break. Thought it was a pretty cool picture. I have to say, Fairbanks is a pretty boring place scenic wise, when compared to Anchorage. It's pretty flat.
The last two are pictures of melting permafrost. There are actually houses in the area that are sinking into the ground because the people built them on the permafrost. Smart, I must say :/
Friday, August 13, 2010
Finally DONE!
I started this post last week and there was a serious computer malfunction :) For those of you that don't have facebook this will be news! I am done with my thesis!! Done with school, and I don't know if I will go back. I know it won't be anytime soon. I'm kinda sick of school. shhh, don't tell Sean. haha. I defended the thesis last Monday, did mad edits for 2 days, and turned it into the graduate office on Thursday. Of course it was later in the day, and the person that was to read it and sign the signature page was gone, but whatever. It was signed on Friday, and I made official copies on Monday, burned a CD with a MS Word version and a PDF version on it, and turned them all in! And I officially graduated on Saturday. Of course I didn't bother to go, went to the fair instead :) Some might wonder why I don't bother. I went to the first one, when I got my bachelor's degree for my Mom and Gram. Sat there in the gym for 2 hours, bored outta my skull, listening to someone babble on about something that I really didn't care about. Waste of time im my humble opinion. So I didn't go to the one when I got the first Master's degree. Still got the diploma, and didn't have to go through the crap. Fine with me. So I didn't bother with this one, cause I really do think it's a waste of time. So, onto even better news!! As I was a wits end looking for a job and actually contemplating going for my PhD, surprise! a phone call, outta the blue. I sent my resume into a company a friend works for, thinking nothing would come of it. Mostly because the company is about alternative energy and I'm more into development kinda stuff. But, becuase I did all this work on my thesis with GIS (computer mapping in normal people speak:) they wanted me to work for them. I will also be doing some policy stuff for them. Crazy how things happen. So within 2 weeks, I finished the thesis I didn't think I was going to, ANNDDDDDD I got an awesome job with an awesome company. We get to stay in the 'burgh, which I haven't decided if that's a good or bad thing :) The girls are here, and Sean will be finishing school here, so I guess, for now, it's a good thing.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Nothin' goin' on
I was looking at some pictures wondering what I could post on the blog. I've felt like quite the blogging slacker lately. While looking at the pic's I realized there AREN'T new ones. hmmmm. But then I thought, I've been busy! I've been working crazy hours in the computer lab, trying to get a computer model to run. A computer model that I have found won't work, at least not all the way. sigh. Luckily part of it will work, so I am able to complete my thesis. As for the girls and their usual antics, well, they haven't been here most of the summer. Sabrina is now the teenager that is never home cause she has all this cool stuff to do. She went on a mission trip to Tennessee and spent a week helping to fix homes. Abby went to Ocean City for a week with her Grammy and her cousins, she came back all tan. I'm so jealous. Then Sabrina went on a cruise with her mom and their family. And Abby's mom has been laid off for 2 weeks, so Abby has been spending time with her. So in the past 5 weeks, the girls have only been over one weekend. Not that I'm complaining. I haven't been home much myself. I've been scrambling to get this blasted thesis done, so I haven't even been home. Sean has called me a couple times while I've been in the computer lab at school wondering when I was coming home :) He's so sweet. I can't wait to be done with this blasted thing! Then I can move on and have a real job!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Pickin' Raspberries
My sister and I had this great idea that we were going to go raspberry picking and get all these berries to make jam and put in the freezer. Well, at least I was going to put some in the freezer. Little did we know that raspberry season almost passed us by! We thought it was a little later than it ended up being. So this is what we were looking for.
And this is what we got. The red and black berries had been completely picked over and were nothing more than dormant leaves and dead berries on the branches. We picked "purple" raspberries. Anyone ever heard of those? Us neither. Although I must say, they are rather tasty. They taste exactly like that raspberry flavor Kool-aid, and any other fake flavored thing:)
My nephew Bobby went with us. He's old enough to pick, but short enough to see under the branches. So he got quite a few.... before he got bored, and wanted to go to Peggy's and go swimmin'. Sine most of the berries were under the leaves and towards the bottom, we spent most of our time squating down and bending over. Not fun.

When Bobby wasn't picking, he was running between me and his mom, who was two rows over. He'd go "help" her, then come back to me.
We managed to get a little more than 7 pounds, and were able to make 3 batches of jelly for a total of 14&3/4 pints. Not bad for 2 hours of picking. Would have been nicer if we had gone a week earlier and the picking would have been easier. O well, maybe next year.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Camping 2010
Another year, another camping trip. This year we had to change location because our traditional place was closed. We thought we were going to be outta luck, but we managed to actually get in a spot for the 4th of July weekend. This year we went to Cook Forest, in northwestern PA. nice place!!! Way better than where we have been going.
Of course, Sean is the fire master. While the girls sit ready with sticks to play in the fire :)
This would be the girls gathering firewood. lol, or in actuality, peeling the bark off the poor defenseless trees. The campgrounds were really nice, mostly pine trees with lots of room between sites.
This would be how the three of these guys spent most of the weekend. looking for crayfish. Not sure what the fascination is, but...... Sean taught Sabrina & Abby and now this is what they like to do. uh, okay :)
They attempted to go fishing. There wasn't anything biting. at all. But it was a good excuse to sit in the shade, next to the river, on a really hot day.
The river we camped near isn't very deep, in fact we went canoeing and the bottom got caught at least twice. So the girls were able to get out in the river just about anywhere and have fun. Which they did. Although, we had a scare with Abby. The rocks are slippery in some spots and she fell and we were worried she may have broken her wrist. Oh, yeah, what a fun way to end a vacation instantly! but she was okay, scraped up, but ready for more fun. Well, ready after an hour with an ice pack on the wrist. ha
We took a walk after dinner one night and ended up here at an overlook. really nice place, beautiful view. There was talk of taking the trail down to the river, but it was vetoed, as the trail is REALLY steep, and we would have had to come back UP. Eh, no thanks!
This is a fire tower that is in the national park. It's no longer used for fire detection but you can still walk to the top. It's not nearly as tall as the light houses in the Outer Banks, but for some reason I got to the last set before the top and couldn't go any farther. ha, so much for my not fearing heights. o well.
The view from the top. I made Sean take the camera up and take a picture. He tried to take one of me standing at the bottom of the tower, but since he doesn't know how to work the camera, it didn't come out. bonus!!
One of the cool things to do in the area is visit the Cathedral Forest. Old growth trees, over 200 years old. REALLY tall, and really huge. Thought this was cool that it had pulled out all this ground. Girls were annoyed that I made them stand there.
A really big Lincoln log :) not sure what the notch was for, but it was big enough to sit in, so Abby did. There was another tree that was down, but it looked like a big seesaw, so the girls had to get on each end and pretend that that was what it was. 
O look, catching crayfish. imagine that!
The last day we were swimming, etc. I found a cooler come moron had left on the bank of the river. So I grabbed it to throw away. Wouldn't you know, my family thinks it's a great place to keep crayfish they've caught. good grief! Sean used 2 of them to try and get some fish to bite, but nothing was hungry, so the girls threw the rest of them back in the river. The funniest part was, they had named ALL of the crayfish :) They are such girls!! hahaha
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