There was a large chess set by the pools. The girls wanted to play, but no one had a clue how to play chess, so they made up this game of "Chess/checkers." And then Abby used a bishop as a microphone. It was so funny to watch. Then the boys went & actually played a game of chess, not sure who won that one.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Idaho - Part 5
You would think by part 4 I would be done with Idaho vacation, but nope there's more. We were there for 2 weeks, and the week with the Cox family was PACKED with fun stuff. So all 4 of you that read my blog will have to hear about idaho vacation for a few more posts :)
After Sean had recovered from heat stroke the previous day and we spent another day out on the water we headed to the hot springs just outside of Cascade. Man, was it great.
There were about 6 pools and the ones at the top near the source of the spring were nice & warm. Corrinna loved the hottest pool. Me, not so much. I spent most of my time in the next one down. DeAnn & Dad said that it used to be free until the nudist colony got a little out of hand. Someone bought it & turned it into a tourist trap :)
This was the pool we spent most of our time in. We started in this one. Bad idea. We wanted to visit all the pools, but by the time we got to the second one down from this it was too cold for me! The ones at the bottom that the girls spent a lot of time in were like regular swimming pools, or the lake. Corrinna spent her time running from one pool to the next, jumping in and out of the water like a jumping bean!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Idaho vacation part 4
Another wonderful day at the beach and in the water. Sean spent most of the day on the beach with the kids digging holes in the sand. I've yet to figure out the facination with digging holes in sand. Even Abby & Sabrina do it. 
DeAnn, Chandler & Camden spent some of the day caneoing & kayaking across the lake. The boys wanted to go, so DeAnn was willing to go with them. Took them a while.
Camden went in the canoe over with DeAnn & Chandler took the kayak. I can't find my picture of Camden in either. hmm, should probably go back & look. Anyway. Once they returned DeAnn tried to stand up and step out of the canoe at the same time that Chandler decided to grab the ohter end and boost if farther up onto shore. This was the result :)
Dad was driving the boat this time. Daren got to get up on the skis for a while. Then he was the spotter for the rest of the afternoon.
This was Abby's first time ever to try to get up on skis. I was trying to help her out. As you can see, she wasn't very successful. She spent most pf the time with her face full of water :)
Then Chandler. We were worried that he was goign to lose his trunks when he got up. haha. Clayson tried, but none of the skis were small enough for him and when he tried they fell off.
After coming back from his trip on the skis Chanlder got the bright idea to make a large hole in the sand and sit down in it, then get buried. Then he thought it would be fun to scare someone once he had a towel put over him. He got Daren when we were on our way out. He was in the hole a while before someone came looking for him. 
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Idaho vacation Part 3
Camilla and Clayson spent most of the time out in the water in the kayak. When we got back to the house Clayson had a sunburn on the bottom of his arms. Too funny, we couldn't figure out why until we realized he had been in the kayak most of the day and the reflection of the sun off the water burnt the underside of his arms.
dad: you've WHAT?
me: we've run out of gas.
dad: how'd you run out of gas?
me: um, they've been running the boat all day.
dad: well, where are you?
me: see that boat kinda hanging out in the middle of the water?
dad: ya
me: that's us!
Dad was hoping to catch us on his way by so he didn't have to take the sails down. But Camden can't throw. They made 3 passes and each time Camden missed with the rope. It was a great day for sailing and they were going at a pretty good clip. But Dad had to shut to drop the sails and turn on the motor to get us hooked on so we could be towed back to shore. We had a towel in the boat and Sean was hiding under it this whole time. On our way back we had to wait a little for Daren to get the trailer for the motor boat and pull it over to the dock. While we waited the kids jumped off the top of the boat.
After we got back Sean was in pretty bad shape. Totally had heat exhaustion or sun poisoning or something. I had to run down to the gas station and get him some Gatorade. We had been planning on going to the hot springs after we got back but since Sean's core body temp was a little too high we didn't think it'd be a good idea to warm him up anymore. Luckily we still had another day to enjoy on the water.
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