Ooooh, new blogger format, lets see if I can screw up this post :) So I'm finally getting around to posting about girls camp. So what if it was in July and it is now September. Better late than never, right?! Anyway. Our ward has a HUGE group of youth. 22 girls went to camp. We had a blast. Our stake, not sure if it's church wide, actually had 7th year girls. And they were the ones that ran a lot of the day to day activities in camp. Abi, would be one of the 7th years, and her loyal sidekick Kati :) 
Some of the 2nd & 3rd year. These girls are amazing. One of the activities that the girls did was to learn some basic self defense. Part of our stake presidency was willing to get beat up by his wife to show the girls some "moves." Actually he's no slouch himself, but ya know, girls want to see a girl beating up a guy. lol
And this would be "Brown Squirrel" they are supposedly shoving food in their mouths. After camp songs we went canoeing. Great time, right up to the part where someone flipped their canoe. Oh, what fun. The best part was, the girls that flipped it couldn't swim. luckily they had life jackets on, as you can see. It was quite and adventure and a wonderful learning experience for all involved.
The girls had to learn how to make 2 outdoor meals. We did foil dinners one day and then on the day it was raining we had to do dutch oven dinners. One option was to mix up the food and go to the cafeteria and put them in the oven, the other wassss......Let me just say we had the awesomest girls in our group!! This is what they did.
The built the lean-to and then a spit to hold the dutch ovens. It was an awesome job. We all smelled like nasty smoke and were kinda dirty and wet afterward, but it was really fun. And the food came out awesome.
One of the fun things the girls get to do during the week is come up with a skit about oatmeal. Don't ask, it's a camp thing :) Anyway, our ward has some incredibly talented girls that come up with some crazy stuff. On the last night they had the finalists present their skit to the stake president who happens to work for a TV station. His comment about the girl in front in the shorts was that she needed to get an agent. Their skit was hilarious!
On Monday the older girls go on high adventure and then they come in on Tuesday and work with the younger girls the rest of the week. From what I understand the one young lady in the black shirt gets injured every year. poor girl. She went over a waterfall and busted up her knee. So she was on crutches, and being pulled in the wagon for most of the week. But she was a trooper and stayed the entire time.
I had such a great time, and can't wait to go back next year!!
1 comment:
Love, love, love girls' camp. I went as many years that they let me. Finally, they made me be a leader for a couple of years.
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