Thursday, July 23, 2009

Funny kids

These are some pics of some of my cousins kids and my nephew. I love taking pictures of kids. At least when they aren't paying attention. My girl Stella and her cell phone.
Bobby learning the workings of the tractor, and not looking to confindent in Raymonds driving abilities.

Kate was trying to eat the cookie without using her hands to pick it up. Ha, gotta love it

What can I say? she's a cutey

Bobby got Peggy to blow up the ball for him and was rolling it, and himself all over the place.

Bobby trying to blow bubbles.

Bobby on cupcake #2

Stella was getting the hang of the bubble thing
Bobby was on such a sugar high that it took him forever to come down! here he is trying to get more cake from Peggy.

Contemplative Bobby

Stella trying to find something in her purse

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