Tuesday, November 4, 2008

You know you're tired when....

you are sitting at the kitchen counter and griping to your husband that the bags under your eyes are big enough to carry a months worth of luggage and your loving step-daughter chimes in " yes, I see them right there," and proceeds to point them out. Time for a nap :)


Heather B said...

amen, sister. Hang in there.

1384 n said...

Just wait till she is our age. She will be beggin for the RE9 eye cream! You are doing an awesome job!

The Keister Family said...

I'm amazed at all that you do. I miss you!

Richard Jackman said...

Thanks for linking to Overheard In The Ward on your blogroll. We've had several people come to Overheard through you. We really appreciate the linkage love.

We've just moved to a new URL. The new site is OverheardInTheWard.com. If you get a chance, do you mind updating your link?

Overheard In The Ward