Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm just busy :)

So, you may ask, where the heck has Trixie been? Well, let's see... what have I been doing. oh, joy, thesis writing. Yes, the fun part of every grad students career. Someone shoot me now and put me outta my misery. I have no idea how long it will end up being, but I have 2 months to complete and i have 1, yes i said ONE, paragraph written. And that paragraph is pretty useless, but at least I can say one is done. oy. Classes started at the end of August and I've been running like the headless chicken ever since. Jeez, these professors seem to think I have nothing better to do than to do the work for their class. HELLO-O-O-O (think Mushu from Mulan), huge paper that needs to be written!! And then I have a prof who seems to think we need to write a 20 page paper, ON TOP of the stuff we already have to do. ugh. And that's just school. My camera is in the shop. Has been since we returned from Assateque, hasn't really been anything to thrilling to take pictures of anyway. I got sand in the lens the last day were were there, of course, so had to take it in to get it cleaned. Luckily we got the extended warranty, etc. so I got to get it cleaned for free. I'm hoping it comes back soon, I'm going through withdrawal. There are so many things that I'd like to photograph, nothing interesting, just the leaves, and the single rose that's blooming and the nasty lake that i run around. They're draining it to dredge it and it's really picturesque, in a gross kinda way :) I'm training for a half marathon that is coming up in 2 weeks. Started out with a bunch of people going to run with me, now there is only me. at least as far as I know. Anyone want to come to the 'burgh and run 13.1 miles with me? So I guess that about covers life here. Nothing like chaos and procrastination. love it. Hopefully before too long I'll have some pic's to post. The girls brithdays are coming up quick, so there will at least be that!


Michelle said...

Good luck with the thesis. If it's any consolation, I think the first paragraph is always the hardest to write. That's so awesome you're squeezing in time to train for the half marathon. Hopefully that'll keep you sane.

Eva McGann said...

You were so smart to purchase the warranty!! I got some sand in the lens of one of my cameras once and it was going to cost so much to clean it that I just bought a new camera! I was lucky this year that I didn't get sand in the lens of my current camera when we went to the Outer Banks. Loved your pictures of Asseteague. We live about three hours from there. good luck on your paper!