Tuesday, August 30, 2011

stupid blogger

The last post took 3 weeks to get up, since the blogspot decided that it didn't like me and wouldn't post anything. grrr. So, I am going to get around to a few more posts. In the meantime, I'll leave you with the info that we have mounds of tomatoes and I am loving it!! I loovvvveeeee fresh tomatoes. I might even eventually post a picture of the mounds :) If I can remember to do it before we start giving them away or I eat them all.


Team Burtenshaw said...

... at our house that many tomatoes would be a blast because we only use fresh tomatoes to throw at cars or people or something :). I have meant to email you several times to tell you I love your guts and think your great - does this count until I get to it? (I'm better at blogging then email obviously).. ..but sometimes I hate blogger too!

Trixie said...

lol, nope doesn't count until you do it :) Is your phone number the same? maybe one of these afternoons I'll give you a call.