Thursday, March 22, 2012

Crappy family pictures

Last weekend I thought it would be a great time to get a family picture so I could finally mail out my "Chrismas" letter. We finally got a hitch put on our Pilot and I got a new bike that's actually tall enought for me to ride comfortably. So we went for a ride on the river trail near our house.
 The trail passes PNC park and Heinz field. Pretty cool. Thought it would be cool to get a picture in front of one of the stadiums. Sean though Roberto would be a good place. As you can see, or maybe you can't, I was already covered in mud :) Well, not covered, but the legs were spackled.
 Anyway, so I was reading on Pioneer Woman website (they do awesome photography) (link is on the right) to let your camera pick your ISO. Which, if you were using a film camera, is "film speed." So I thought, well, crap, if she can do it, then my pics should come out great if I do that. uh, yeah, that would be negative.
 All of them came out really grainy. I am so mad, because now I can't use them for the card. not to mention that you can totally see my fat gut sticking out, but that is besides the point :) So I'm back to chosing the ISO myself. stupid camera.
 Sean was trying to get the girls to grin. Abby was all for it, as you can see, Sabrina wasn't.

As you can see, Abby is catching up to Sabrina in height. Can't really tell that there is 3 years difference, can ya?


Amelia Hohl said...

I can't tell you how many times I've just closed my eyes and printed a zillion Christmas cards I thought I looked hideous on. Didn't you see my last one with my giant post baby rear end poking out to the side? If there's one thing I've learned over the years is to have no shame and to expect to look fat in all photos.

Amelia Hohl said...

So, don't be too hard on yourself. You look really cute and sporty. Just go with it sista!