Friday, June 7, 2013

Getting wait

Yesterday Sean and I went to Home Depot and got the plywood for the 2 bunk beds in the "blue room." 1 more thing on our list of stuff that needs done that has been completed. Sean also spent the day putting together the day bed for the girls. That stupid thing takes up half our basement! It is bigger that I planned, but eh, what can we do? We'll make it work. Now I just have to figure out where to put my huge steamer trunk. Might have to go up in the attic for a while, like until we move and get a bigger house. We also did our research on mattresses. sigh, what a pain. We need 4 of them, so we would like to get something inexpensive, but has anyone laid of those cheap mattresses. yikes!! You could get tetanus from the springs poking you. seriously. anyway. We found a couple that were okay and won't break the bank, but we didn't get them, since it was pouring down rain and we will need to transport them ourselves. Still no word on any kids. We've put our profile out there for quite a few groups, but no bites yet. We are hoping that we will get a call this summer. so we are waiting. me, not so patiently :)

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