Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Changes are coming

Our major dilemma with adopting kids is our tiny house. Seriously tiny house. It was great when it was just Sean and I and the girls every other weekend. It's looking pretty darn small at the moment. So we are looking at some creative ways to save some space but have enough room for more kids. oh, yeah. We have a finished basement that is all the rage in the summer since it's way cooler than the rest of the house. Winter, not so much, but we have little heaters to warm it up a little. I speak from experience since I use the little heaters when I am working in the craft side of the basement in the winter. Since it's not a very large space, it doesn't take long to get warmed up. It's kinda nice. Our idea is to have the girls, since they are older and enjoy their independence, to move downstairs. AKA: hiding in their rooms for hours on end playing on various electronic devices. No adults needed or desired. My original idea was to get 2 futons that could be left as couches when the girls aren't at our house. But now I'm wondering if maybe I was thinking too big. A friend suggested a day bed with a trundle underneath. hmmmm, while this would negate the space under the bed for storage it was free up the entire wall in the basement for storage. I'm liking this idea. However, another friend of mine was giving away a futon that was in nice shape so I grabbed it. crap, now what am I going to do with it. decisions, decisions. I still have to figure out how to store the couch & chair we have, since I know we are planning on getting a larger house when we move across the country and we will eventually need it. Or we could just buy a new one when we get where we are going. Like I said, decisions.....
As for our classes Sean and I are headed to one this weekend. 2 for me, 1 for him. The sweet part is that we have them all scheduled and we will be done with the classes on March 2!!! I'm so excited. I'm hoping that we can get everything approved and arranged so that we can go for visits during Sean's spring break. I guess if that is the way it's supposed to happen Heavenly Father will make it happen. We are doing our part, He will do the rest :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

What exciting changes, Trixie! I can't wait to see how this all turns out. It will all turn out well, I know that.