Thursday, January 17, 2013

Next Step

We made it to the orientation meeting last night. We also got the last of our background checks back in the mail. The meeting was nice, it also got us pretty excited. We were given a gigando stack of paperwork to fill out, but we can do that. We got the hard part completed, the background checks. We are excited to move on. The women at the meeting from the agency said that since we have completed the process before we may be able to move a little quicker through the process. We will still have to complete the required number of training hours, but we may be able to contact other agencies earlier. She wasn't sure, and I'm not holding my breath, but it would be cool to let the other agencies know that we are interested in a specific group of boys. So I will be going to an all day class on Saturday. Oh, yeah, fun :) There was another women at the meeting, her and her husband are planning on adopting out of foster care as well. She had a friend complete the training classes and the friend said that the classes were very beneficial and helped her to deal with situations that came up after she had adopted her son. It's good to know that we won't be doing these classes for nothing. I'm all for tools to help these kids! Another nice thing we learned is that we will probably get "child support" for them. Whew. While we really want to have these kids and know we are supposed to be doing this at this time, we were a little concerned about how we were going to make it work, money-wise, since Sean is still in school. Heavenly Father will make it possible. So, we are excited to move forward.

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