Sunday, September 21, 2008

An evening with Sister Beck

Even in this neck of the woods we occasionally get someone from the Relief Society General Presidency. Once every 5 years or something, but they do come. Last night we had a great evening with Sister Beck. She said she wanted it to be our meeting, so she opened it up for questions. Most of the questions could be answered in the same way, prayer, faith and knowing "the plan". She was great. The best quote of the night was this (it might be a little paraphrased, I couldn't write fast enough) "We were not sent here for "the dream," what we were promised was "an experience," to help us grow and develop into the people we need to become to have eternal life." I think that about covers it.


KP said...

I love that! My aunt was disappointed after suffering a panic attack that ended her 'big' dive out at the Great Barrier Reef a little early. She was dwelling, understandably, on the fact that she had failed to do what she came to do. We talked about that very point that Sis. Beck made, that we had come for the experience and we would accept and be grateful for whatever that entailed. The important thing was that she had come! She takes home with her the experience, the learning, the pictures (ha, very important!), the relationship, and a greater sense of what it means to live. Pretty good for a simple dive that turned out different than she expected. Sounds a lot like most of life eh?!

Love you! Thanks for reaffirming this lesson for me. I am glad you took advantage of that opportunity to be in that meeting.

1384 n said...

Janell called me to tell me about Sister Beck's visit. It was inspiring and a great reminder of our purpose. I have also been thinking about her words and I believe that since the one thing we can take with us when we leave this planet is knowledge we should do our best to share the knowledge we have acquired with others so that we can all grow faster and have more to take with us when we leave this earth. I feel so often that people are afraid to share what they know because they want to be one up on you and then from the other side of it I've been called boastful for trying to share what I know. It's a strange world isn't it. I wish I could have been there to hear her speak. I stole her quote form you and added it to my blog. Thanks for sharing.

Heather said...

I also loved President Uchtdorf's talk. I really needed to hear it! I'm so glad that we have modern day prophets and leaders to inspire and teach us!