Sunday, July 19, 2009

Raspberry picking

On Tuesday the field trip group went raspberry picking. We went to a farm about an hour from home that had black and red raspberries. The black were almost gone, way to much work to get a little. Aliess and her kids came, Amelia came with her 2 kids and her niece & nephew, and then I had Sabrina & Abby.

We went to the black raspberry bushes first. As I said, they were pretty picked over. Kurt, Aliess's youngest had the best view. He was low enough that he saw all the ones people hadn't bent over to get. He wouldn't pick them though cause he was scared of the bushes and everything in them.
Bea was eating away :) She loved the berries and had berries everywhere.

Kaitlin was dressed so cute and didn't want to change, but Amelia convinced her that it would be better to change.

Most of the crew.

Lunch time in the shade. I got a redneck from standing out in the sun. Imagine that. We had a great time. Now I have to make some jam. yum

1 comment:

Amy G. said...

So cool that you live in an place where you can do that!