Sunday, August 26, 2007

Rodeo activity

Sean and I are the activity co-chairs for our ward. Which means, to those non-LDS people, we plan all the parties for our ward! Fun stuff. Maybe that is what I should do for my next career:) Anyway. We had an activity yesterday that we themed as a "rodeo" Really was a barbeque were we got to dress up in our western gear. I wanted to have an activity for everyone where they could try roping something. So I decided to make this big longhorn head. This is the the start of it, after I got done with the original paper mache. Turned out great, eh? Nothing more than wadding paper together and a lot of masking tape!
This is what it looked like after I painted it. Sean said it looked too cute to rope, and who was going to want to rope something that had those eyes?! Whatever. Everyone had a great time roping it, as far as I could tell. I put the head on a broom stick and put the stick through 2 bales of hay stacked together. After dinner started a few of the younger kids thought it would be great to spin the head on the stick and broke his horn off, so I put it in the truck to avoid further damage.

This is a picture of the girls while we at my grandma's house, but I thought it was good for this, cause they are wearing western hats, and look too cute.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Hey! I'm really impressed! I was not aware of your artistic expertise!