Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer has begun

Abby & Sabrina's last day of school was Tuesday. It was hot, they wanted to cool off, so we set out the snake sprinkler. These girls NEVER use things the way they were intended. Sabrina ususally has the crazy ideas, and Abby follows right along :) They usually use the snakes to hose each other down. They actually take turns and try to "run" away from the other. Or something along those lines. Who knows, really! Well this time the game changed because I gave them a large tub.
First they filled it, then they stood in it. Then they stuck their heads in it. Then they sat in it. I got this picture before they ralized I was out there snapping away :) Once they realized I was taking pic's they ran. ha
Then Sabrina got the bright idea to make "mud puddles." Find an area without grass, point the snakes, and fill with water. The stomp in it to make mud. Then paint legs with mud. Nice, ain't it? The best part is that Sean has told them before not to do this cause it makes nasty holes in the yard. They seemed to have forgotten that part.
What cracks me up about this is when we were young Candy and I were playing in a mud puddle and we were supposed to be going out to the garden with Mom. She told us to get out of the puddle, but it was so hot and the puddle was so cool, and we didn't want to go tot the garden. So we ignored her, one too many times. She said she would send us to bed early. And she did. We missed the Donny & Marie show. We were MAD!! Amy got to watch it and we didn't. How sad :)

1 comment:

Amy G. said...

What fun memories...for you and the girls!