Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Update on the Target job

Working at Target is an interesting endevour. I get up at 3 am, go to work at 4am, work for 6 - 8 hours and come home at 10 am or noon. It's actually a pretty good schedule. It's great for getting things done, I get home before the middle of the day, so I have plenty of time to do stuff. Although I always feel rushed since I have to be in bed by 7pm. I have to wear one of those masks to cover up my eyes, otherwise I would never get to sleep. It also makes me feel like I'm missing out on stuff cause I've got to go to bed. Yeah, that would be the one downside of this job. The people I work with are pretty cool, there are the usual idiots that you wish you didn't have to work with, but everyone has to earn some money somehow, right? I'm thinking I'll probably keep working there even when school starts at the end of August. I can work there 2 days a week and still have plenty of time for classes and studying. Oh, the joys of retail work.

1 comment:

KP said...

So not too bad at Target eh? I would love to work at Target or anywhere for that matter. Work visas are coming soon. We'll see how long it takes to change my tune! You are so disciplined. I can hardly get myself to bed by 10!